Red Chair

In preparation for Country Living magazine to shoot my shutter wall last January, I found myself searching for the perfect dining table and chairs.  Stylist Natalie Warady e-mailed me some ideas and a couple weeks before the shoot I started exploring shops in Reno that I hadn't previously encountered.

Along the way, someone emphatically suggested I check out Red Chair.  I'm so glad I did because not only did I come across a unique collection of accessories and new and vintage furniture, I made a new friend.

Owner and Designer Aaryn Walker can help you find just what you need, whether it's lighting, furniture, artwork or help putting it all together to create the perfect space.


Vintage dishware and letters from old signs fill some of her display cabinets.  I have my eye out for a big letter R for a new project!




Aaryn is soon going to be selling some of the mid century modern furniture that I've been chatting about on my Facebook Fan Site.  I'll keep you posted!