Morning Home Birth

I want to share with you how I spent my morning.  It is a bit off topic from my usual posts however important and I thought you might enjoy my photos. This morning I was privileged to go to my dear friend's home birth.  I missed the actual birth by about 15 minutes but was there to witness a person's first moments in this world.

water birth, home birth, natural birth
Born into warm water,
water birth, natural birth, home birth
and pulled to surface by his loving mommy.
kid at home birth, family home birth, water birth
Big brother made the important discovery: "He has a PeePee just like me! ...But mine is WAY bigger."
 Midwife clamps and Daddy snips
home birth, water birth, after birth
nursing newborn with boppie, home birth, water birth

Special attention is given to mom and baby including both their physical and emotional needs.  There are no pressures given to mom regarding the urgency of the midwife's schedule.


home birth, water birth, natural birth

 Measurements are held off nearly two hours until after baby and mom have had some important bonding.
newborn baby bottom, water birth, home birth, blue butt
weighing a baby at a home birth, scale for home birth
 8lbs 6 ozs
measuring baby's head at home birth
baby check at home birth
A midwife's caring hands make baby's first check up a tender and peaceful experience.
home birth, water birth
Aspiring Birth Midwifery, Sherry Asp
Baby's peely feet are a sign that baby was ready to enter the world.  Much care was given to respecting his wishes on choosing his own birthdate.

At one moment in baby's check up, an apprentice performed reiki on baby which calmed his energy.  The whole spirit of the room was positive and relaxing.


Welcome to the world little one!