Suction Cup Tooth Brush Holder


My kids bathroom can get cluttered real easy, real fast. Between the tubes of toothpaste they neglect to put away and the bowls of water filled with rubber type animals that promise to increase their size by 600%, space becomes minimized. In search of a suction cup toothbrush holder at Target, I came across a couple suction cup razor holders. Stuck to the medicine cabinet, it holds both the toothbrush and flosser, clearing up the counter for more important experiments. Another bonus is that keeping the kids' toothbrushes separate will cut down on the sharing of germs.
Searching on google I came across a couple cute suction cup tooth brush holders:
The Happy Suction Toothbrush Holder available at Tiny Living
Ocean Animal Suction Cup Kids Toothbrush Holder from Chocolate Cake Club