Organizing Children's Art Supplies - Lazy Susan
My kids love to have access to art supplies so they can have the freedom to create when the inspiration strikes. The art supply lazy susan is always out on the art table. I used a pantry lazy susan and cans with their labels removed. I can imagine a ton of cute upgrades you could make to this idea......cover the cans with colored paper, contact paper or photos of your kids, create your own lazy susan out of wood painted with your kids hand prints, etc, etc. It's pretty utilitarian but it does it's job for now.
Art supplies in lazy susan:
- colored pencils
- straight scissors & craft scissors
- lead pencils
- tape
- glue (glue sticks, liquid glue, glue spreading sticks)
- rulers
- paint brushes (they have access to water colors)
- stapler
In addition to these art supplies, my kids have free access to paper, crayons, markers, wiki stix, watercolors, and art books. They have a couple big drawers with items ready to be upcycled such as Quaker Oatmeal containers, paper towel rolls, shoe boxes, cardboard and anything else that screams for a transformation.
I love these containers from Ikea for some of the smaller art supplies and other items: