Current Home Project - Train Shelf

For Christmas two years ago, Santa brought my son a Polar Express O gage Lionel Train. This year for Christmas, my husband bought him a box of about forty feet worth of track with the grand plan of installing a train track shelf going around the top of his room. Deciding that would be too easy, he punched holes into the wall so the train will go from the bedroom into the closet, then from the closet into the office, and then back into the bedroom. The plan was to have this project completed during the Christmas break week, in hopes of sharing it with our New Years guests. January 22 and counting the project is about half done. Now in all honesty there were many legitimate excuses and if my husband hadn't gotten vertigo and then the flu I'm sure he would have it about 80% complete like he does all his other projects. (But who am I to talk.) Anyhow, it's going to be the talk of all the first graders when it's done.